(pre-July meeting)

We have received reports of a religious group caiming- eai, claiming to have significant revelations focused on the "Tricorn" complex. Much debate as to the correct course of action: is this another attempt by the Cartel to seduce "alternative" culture into worship of the Spectacle? Have tracked down a damaged copy of their pamphlet. Perhaps the Cartel simply planted the seeds of this, "hiding" the revelatory text in the wall of the Tricorn? Or perha s th they are the "real thing"? Revelations are the ultimate "o "one way communication" - this could be more dangerous still - but perhaps the minimal form of this one and its requirement to be "translated" from non-language / interpretted / RE-PRESENTED - contradicts this? Must be on our guard. Be Brother B suggests we suppress the material. This could be a fatal mistake - if this is the new stategy by the Cartel for the destruction of out guardian-principle "ANTI-CONSUMERIST AUTONOMY" then the revolutionary movement must be made aware of it. But perhaps B is right and this would simply play into the hands of the Cartel. (Taking it one stage further, I recall his thesis of last year analysing Conspiracy Theories as a form of consumerism…)

I tentatively plan to contact and observe this group at the Tricorn Freeart Festival, where they may intend a strong psence ('the reader's attention is drawn to the enclosed pamphlet XEROXED WITH MISGIVINGS as we say Maybe also catch a glimpse of the rumoured "God's Portion" but sister V's researches indicate they are simply a freak survival of the pre-Soviet "Novebrists".

Cautiously proceding towards the millenial "big push".

Hopefully our tenacity alone may see us through.

Brother G2, Federation for Anti-Consumerist Autonomu Portsmouth Cell.

/B (977) (97) (84)